Thursday 7 July 2016


Chilcot has told us in a scholarly and detailed way what we already knew, and some of us remember clearly. Weapons Inspectors were not finished when Blair and the Tories rushed headlong into line behind the Yanks. Yes we were appalled at 9/11, it doesn't mean two wrongs make a right, it doesn't mean that when America says jump we ask how high? The peaceful options had NOT been exhausted FACT,.

British troops had inadequate equipment, fact. I remember how one soldier was killed after lending his body armour to a comrade. DISGRACEFUL.

There wasn't a plan to win the peace. Obvious to us all by now. Al Qaeda weren't in Iraq till we opened the door, let alone IS. And by the way Bush Junior (never was an epithet more fitting) gave the so called rebuilding to his buddies to profit from, stripping the job from the more experienced State department. A fine friend eh Tony.

I'm not knocking Chilcot, just saying we knew it really. Chilcot stops short of calling for Blair to be prosecuted, but the one really good thing to come from his report is that never again can a British Prime Minister afford to be so blind, so stupid, so arrogant as Tony Blair, because they will be scrutinised and may be prosecuted.

The 'special relationship' just got a little thinner and if Trump gets in (not that Hilary's so great either) then thank goodness for that.

Malcolm Snook is published on Kobo , Barnes & Noble and Amazon

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Worth The Cost

Whether Chilcot clears Blair of criminal intent or action he still ignored all the protests, cost 179 British service men and women their lives and spent ten billion pounds to bring about 150,000 Iraqi deaths and the chaos of IS terror. Would you have him as an after dinner speaker?

Malcolm Snook is published on Nook, Kobo and Amazon