Thursday 27 October 2016

It's About Their Future, That's What Concerns Them, It's Not Rocket Science

Mrs May gets my goat, but I bet she gets the goat of our European trading partners and allies a lot more. Demanding Britain play a full role right up until we leave is arrogant rubbish. It's about the other twenty seven now, not about us. The decisions being made are for them, not us. The more she stresses British rights and forgets British responsibilities the more anger she will engender and the tougher it will be. My sympathy is with the EU, not with the Tories or UKIP MEPs who created this mess.

The one thing worse for the world than the UK Govt is the UN in its current form.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Only Now Do We See The Scale Of It!

It's October, the tenth month of the year. Eighteen women have died in custody in the jails of England and Wales so far this year. That's one point eight deaths, or, call a spade a spade, nearly two every month and only now it's making the news! A shortage of staff, drugs in jail, what is going on? Who is running our jails, private firms? It's a bloody disgrace. The only party we haven't really tried for years is the Liberal Party, can they do worse? I doubt it personally.

If Britain's government is letting the UK down the UN is letting the world down!

Saturday 22 October 2016

Justice Or Talk - Take Your Pick

The conservative party 'justice' minister talked out a bill yesterday. Talking out a bill is an immoral device to prevent a vote, you just keep talking until there's no time for a vote, if ever there's something that needs to change in our parliamentary so called 'democracy' this is one.

The motive is uncertain, it might be as simple as not wanting a private members' bill brought forward by a Scottish National Party MP to succeed. Pathetic. We have decriminalised homosexuality in this country, therefore it's obvious  that those convicted previously, men entrapped and put on the police 'queer list' should have their convictions wiped out now that the country has decided that sexuality is not a crime.

In fact the bill wasn't even asking for the convictions to be wiped out, annulled as it were, it was simply asking for a pardon. No justice from this justice minister, it was talked out. You can have a pardon when you're dead according to Mrs May's government, so if you're an elderly gay man and you want a pardon suicide would appear to be the only option. Of course that's a crime too, so you can't win. Vote Liberal as thousands did in Mr Cameron's constituency by-election, not enough but a big swing.It's become the only sane choice.

My petition to try and make the world a better place.

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Friday 14 October 2016

There's Nothing Cool About it

There is two million square kilometers less sea ice in the arctic this year. The ice at the poles reflects the sun's rays and helps to keep the planet cool. Forecasters suggest all the arctic sea ice will have gone by 2045. I worry it may accelerate personally, as less and less sunlight is reflected.

Even if all governments keep to their agreed, inadequate quotas on greenhouse gasses etc, which they won't, then the future looks very uncertain, especially if you live on a low lying island, or in a low lying area near a coast or river.

We are not bequeathing the next generation a very cool outlook. Still, if recent outpourings from Boris Johnson are anything to go by we may confront Russia militarily and end the human race. Then maybe the planet will eventually recover without us. A bit of common sense would be better though.

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Thursday 13 October 2016

Hopeless And Heartless Bureaucrats

The migrant camp just across the English Channel in Calais is about to be dismantled. Monday in fact. Within the camp are close to two hundred minors, or children, alone and at risk of abuse and kidnap, even death. Some eighteen have recently gone missing and more before that you can be sure. Many will have been raped and worse. Many of these minors have a right in law to come to the UK as they have relatives here.

We are still a part of Europe for the moment even if we didn't sign up for Schengen. And anyway even if we weren't part of Europe what's happening here is incredibly and seriously wrong.

People need passports and bureaucracy must be appeased, it's the way of the world, I know that. However, if a white middle class British child lost a passport in France you can be sure something would be done about it and swiftly.

Children are at risk of abuse, exploitation and death and it's left to people like Juliet Stevenson to do something about it. Yet again politicians in this country have no idea, no heart, no soul, no integrity, no feelings. You can do it May, Johnson et al; so send someone to get them you idiots, you don't even have to get your hands dirty, process the papers here or there, but go over there and save them while there are still some left to save.

Blaming the French is not good enough.

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Nice One Gary

We think about Clinton and Trump as the only Presidential candidates, but there are others out there, if only to make a point. One of them is Gary Johnson, supposedly a Libertarian although what that means to him is anyone's guess. As a former Republican Governor of New Mexico he's unlikely to be liberal in outlook.

Asked in a televised interview what he would do about Aleppo he responded 'what's Aleppo?' The interviewer couldn't believe the scoop he was getting I suspect. A man running to be President of one of the world's largest economies and of one of the world's most militarily powerful countries, is genuinely that ignorant. No really. He got it was Syria eventually and then suggested cosying up to Russia.

As astonishing as it is worrying.

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Wednesday 12 October 2016

Don't Try To Change History

Those seeking to revise history once the eyewitnesses have died get my goat. A move to create a museum at the derelict factory of Oskar Schindler is meeting strong opposition in the Czech Republic. Many Czechs see Schindler as a traitor who spied for the Nazis, that's as may be. He was of course a German speaker from Sudetenland. It's just a part of history that Czechs come from different ethnic backgrounds and had different allegiances.

Schindler was a gambler, womaniser, opportunist, he wasn't an angel for sure, but for a Czech MP to say there's no evidence he saved Jews is madness. There were literally hundreds of witnesses once, it's a fact that a flawed man did good. Maybe he wasn't actually so flawed, don't many of us want to have fun, make the best of things? Whatever your individual view of Schindler he did save lives, the holocaust happened and we should learn the lessons not try to deny it.

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Tuesday 11 October 2016

Corruption In Banking?

Thank goodness for whistle blowers. Long, long time ago I remember writing about Royal Bank Of Scotland. So many small business owners were complaining they'd been deliberately forced into insolvency by devious, underhand tactics, in order that the bank could strip them of their assets that it just couldn't have been a coincidence.

Of course there was no proof that it was a deliberate policy, there would always have been some businesses which would have failed anyway and so on. As compelling as the circumstantial evidence was, and it was very compelling, proof beyond any doubt was just about questionable. Although in certain individual cases the behaviour of the bank was so very blatant that it probably was actionable, if there had been any money left to take action.

Years ago Vince Cable, then a minister, ordered a report on the seemingly nefarious doings of RBS, it's never been published. If it does attempt a whitewash they won't publish it now that the truth is out there. The leaked documents point very strongly indeed to an orchestrated campaign to force good entrepreneurial businesses into bankruptcy, to steal their buildings by reducing valuations and then calling in loans, that sort of thing, defaults which weren't defaults at all, seems to have been another strategy. Special 'assistance' to push costs higher and higher.

Some businessmen used the money from their homes to prop up their businesses and lost those too, marriages broke up and good, hard working people had breakdowns and mental health issues. Last night RBS managed to find an executive willing to try and defend the indefensible on television, one of the guilty clutching at straws? I cannot say. It was not impressive however.

People and businesses which purchased property wrongly repossessed by RBS cannot be made victims too and sorry to say it's the taxpayer who will end up paying, but compensation must be huge; the value of all assets lost plus interest, lost earnings plus interest (at the rates from then, not now) and proper compensation for hurt and suffering. That could literally be millions of pounds per victim and there are certainly hundreds of victims, maybe more.

That's one heck of a bill, it's also justice and just maybe those victims will go back into the business arena and make things, or provide services, or regenerate run down areas, in other words make a contribution to society, something RBS has done the opposite of.

It would be nice if the Queen could strip them of the title 'Royal' but there's another Bank Of Scotland so that would cause confusion, maybe we could call them CBS, you can work out what the C stands for I'm sure.

Malcolm Snook author, blogger and sailor.

Monday 10 October 2016

Intellectual Stimulation

The Daily Mail has got my goat for years now, whilst I'm all in favour of freedom of speech, naturally, it seems to me to be largely fear stories, things to make people angry and anti European propaganda. However the truth came out this last weekend as to how they see their readers. All were given a Lego toy; perfect for the four to six year old intellect!

Malcolm Snook writer and blogger

Sunday 9 October 2016

Seven Years For Failure

Katrina Percy has quit her 'advisory' role at Southern Health. She got that role after conspicuous failure as Chief Executive, with no cut in her remuneration.Far too many patients died and there were pitifully few inquiries or improvements. Now that she's finally going she's walking out with one year's salary. That's one year for her at £190,000, which, just so you know, is more than seven years salary for the average working Briton! And they say the health service has a funding crisis, not in the south it would seem.

Malcolm Snook Christmas Gifts

Saturday 8 October 2016

Something to Be Proud Of?

Seen the value of the pound today? We had the best of both worlds, we kept our precious Sterling, but were still EU members. The pound will be nothing to be proud of at this rate and we can all stay home and moan about pesky foreigners. What the hell is happening to this country?

A way to top up then!