Monday 13 June 2016

End The Wild West

What will it take for America to learn that the free and easy availability of guns costs innocent lives. Last year there was more than one mass shooting per day in the USA, 173 I believe so far this year, so nothing has changed and it's only in the news because a terrible record has been broken, no doubt tomorrow or the next day someone will try to break that record.

I've heard some American interviewees saying the answer is more guns so they can shoot it out with the bad guys, heaven help anyone in a pram that's in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I'm all for personal rights and personal responsibility but the wild west is history and they didn't have assault rifles back then either. It's not my country, but please end the carnage, most Americans I know are lovely, lovely people and I'd rather they stayed around. Whole.

Malcolm Snook

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