Thursday 25 August 2016

What Really Goes On Behind The Scenes?

When the recent attempted coup took place in Turkey there was a lot of anti American sentiment expressed, but now the USA is providing air cover for Turkish tanks crossing into Syria. Ostensibly they are there to attack IS, but we all know that President Erdogan's government really wants to attack the Kurds.

The Kurds have actually been very effective in combating IS and they are a distinct people with a distinct culture. Their rights have long been paid scant regard. The USA and the West choose to recognise the right of Israel to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people, the USA and the west chose to recognise the sovereignty of Kosovo, surely the Kurds, who have done as much to help us as to help themselves deserve a homeland too.

One wonders what goes on behind the scenes and it gets my goat that yet again politicians seem to do that which they see as expedient and not that which is plainly ethical and right.

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