Thursday 17 November 2016

The BBC Debates The Undebatable

Yesterday the Jeremy Vine show on BBC radio 2 debated the 'post truth world'. The debate seemed to be about the acceptability or otherwise of lying. The most unnecessary debate ever. We don't like being lied to in our private lives, we don't like spouses, partners, offspring, friends lying to us. It causes hurt, resentment, loss of trust and conflict. Lying is wrong and not just the absence of lies, we want the truth, it's why in court we ask for the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Lying in public office has potentially greater consequences than the loss of trust in a family or between friends; lying in public office has national and even international consequences. And yet there were callers defending lying. Has the world gone mad?

Brexit voters saying don't patronise me I knew they were lying, but I still wanted to leave the EU, or words to that effect. Well, I won't patronise you, but I will insult your intelligence, what you've done is handed power to liars and opportunists. You wouldn't want to be lied to or deceived in your private life but you've handed governmental power to the untrustworthy.

Some people of course believed the lies and are now bitter about being lied to, one such person phoned in. Brexit was founded on lies going back thirty years in the media, but with new lies mixed in about Turkey and about money in particular. Liar in chief was Boris Johnson now destroying relationships in Italy, Germany and The Czech Republic. He'll do far more damage before he's done. #notmygovernment #notmyforeignsecretary  #notmyrpimeminister

Still, on the bright side Christmas is coming.

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