Thursday 14 January 2016

About This Blog

All sorts of things wind us up, getting it off your chest is good for you, especially when taking on major corporations and politicians. Facebook is one way but if you're complaining all the time to your friends that may not be a good thing and the share button there doesn't allow you to tweet.

So, I've created 'Things That Get Your Goat' to get things off my chest and on Blogger the share button allows me to tweet and more. If life winds you up sometimes, be it call centres, arrogant companies, even more arrogant politicians, injustices or Japanese Whaling, why not make a blog.

Good luck and best wishes to all the decent people in the world - that's most of you. Don't let the bastards grind you down. Nil bastardum carborundum, or something to that effect.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying your Blog and like your rants! Found an interesting comment (below). Not my words....! :<)
    "The wrong use of the latin-sounding words is intentionally ironic and carries an implication of a lower class or self- educated person sticking it to "the man", who presumably could afford a classical education"
    by T. Regina March 09, 2011
    Che ne pensi?
