Tuesday 13 September 2016

Brilliant Customer Relations

Yesterday I blogged about mistakes and idiocies by Scottish Power, they're not the only company hide bound by rules, narrow areas of responsibility, procedure and stupidity, but they proved a good example and their actions affected someone close to me in a very personal way.

I then tweeted my blog post and hey presto Scottish Power tweeted me back, apparently trying to help. Unfortunately the person affected doesn't use Twitter, but said she would like to take matters further, in view of Scottish Power's response. They then went on to prove that there is no common sense involved and that individuals have their narrow areas of responsibility and cannot step outside them.

It would appear that if you're on the Scottish Power social media team you can't pick up a telephone for example. Here's how the Twitter conversation went, starting with my public Tweet linking to yesterday's blog post and then the conversation with Scottish power:

Thingsthatgetyourgoat The Power To Make People Sick http://thingsthatgetyourgoat.blogspot.com/2016/09/the-power-to-make-people-sick.html?spref=tw … #scottishpower #bigbusiness #callcentres #bereavement #music

@sailorsnook Hi Malcolm, we'd like to look into this for you, could you DM us your account details please?  -NA

@SP_EnergyPeople I will ask my partner if she wishes to take it further.

@sailorsnook Okay, if you would like our assistance with this, please get back to us. -NA

@SP_EnergyPeople H***** would like to take this further by telephone *********** act ***********

@sailorsnook Hi Malcolm, we'd like to discuss this with the account holder here. We'd need you to DM us with more account details.

@SP_EnergyPeople H***** doesn't use twitter phone her and sort it out if you want to but don't make matters worse by wasting people's time

@sailorsnook We can't arrange call backs but our website has a free call back feature, if you would like I can book one here for Hilary? -NA

Which brings us full circle to the telephone people who were a large part of the problem in the first place I guess. Brilliant customer relations, outstanding.

Malcolm Snook

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