Friday 23 September 2016

Our Clown Prince Of Chaos

Boris Johnson got my goat yesterday (again). He's obviously enjoying his seat at the table in the UN as Britain's senior diplomat, his consolation prize for not taking the top job in government. He was talking on British television about the great role Britain plays at the UN and in the world, how no one wanted to talk to him about Brexit but about WORLD matters. Jumped up poseur.

Does he not see that he now has a seat at the table of abject failure? Rhetorical question obviously. The UN has spread disease, denied it and claimed diplomatic immunity when caught, it has failed to protect women being raped just a few miles from the door of one of its bases, it failed spectacularly in Bosnia and is failing humiliatingly again in Syria.

I mean no disrespect to the heroic people serving on aid convoys and dying for humanity, but I have utter contempt for the hypocrites at the top, especially the Security Council. With the likes of Boris, our very own clown prince of chaos at the top table the failure will go on and on. The UN requires a new constitution, not a large Johnson.

He was questioned on his absence from a recent meeting with President Erdogan of Turkey, a man he has mocked, in which he might be correct for once; although in this case it's no laughing matter. He made light of his missing that meeting, pointing out that he has relatives in Ankara. I and many people are well aware of Boris's Turkish heritage, but......

 A momentary look of  'oops what have I just said' passed across his normally merry visage, but don't worry Boris, your Turkish heritage is still not known to most, just as your utter hypocrisy in using fear of Turkey, a most unlikely candidate for prompt EU membership (as you well know) to try and bring down Europe still goes un-recognised by the majority of the great British public.

One day though, you'll be seen for what you truly are, maybe we can incarcerate you on Boris Island in the Thames. You posturing, self aggrandising idiot.

Malcolm Snook Author

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