Wednesday 21 September 2016

Thirty Years Of Failure And No End In Sight

Female Genital Mutilation has been a crime in the UK for thirty one years. It took thirty years to bring one unsuccessful prosecution. It's a scandal and a national disgrace and that gets my goat. Research suggests one hundred and thirty seven thousand women and girls living in England and Wales were affected in 2011 alone.

It's a crime which, in some communities, is probably carried out daily. And still the police and crown prosecution service are getting nowhere with it at all. Get a few burglars to admit to crimes they didn't do in return for a lesser sentence and catch a few motorists, that's easy, helps the statistics along, but a vile crime which involves cross cultural difficulties, real victims of real violence, the hell with that sunshine, let the victims suffer, too difficult for us. That's Britain today.

Malcolm Snook

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