Friday 16 September 2016

The Arrogance of Assad and the Stupidity of Cameron

Recent reports have confirmed what we already knew, that Cameron standing on a platform in post Gaddafi Libya saying we (the UK) would stand shoulder to shoulder with the new government and the people to make it work (or words to that effect) was just a load of hot air and waffle. Will Cameron be bracketed with Blair? You can bet your house on it.

The report suggests that British actions in Libya contributed to the rise of IS and the calamity in Syria, I'd go further and say our actions in Iraq and Afghanistan contributed too. The lack of a strategy for the peace is staggering beyond belief, we appeared to learn from the mistakes of Versailles and re-built Europe after World War Two, but the lessons are lost on our current idiotic (on the whole) politicians and given the referendum result on many of the post war generation too.

Russia has a strategy, they want Assad in power and they're going after it militarily, such that Assad, once on the brink of defeat used the tenuous ceasefire to announce his intention to take back all of Syria, as if it was his personal estate. This does seem the most likely outcome and the highly expensive missiles and bombs thrown around by the second most indebted country on the planet will simply have claimed a few more lives along the way.

Yes, that gets my goat.

History gifts.

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