Monday 12 September 2016

He Who Divides Wants Us To Come Together

Self serving, dishonest Boris has joined a new Leave Europe campaign group, possibly to keep up the pressure on the misguided PM who made him Foreign Secretary. He says he wants Leave and Remain people to work together. The very existence of this group demonstrates just how split his own party is. I think Boris has no conception of the even deeper division in the country, which he fostered with his lies and propaganda.

A few, bend with the wind, remainers might pay lipservice, but the division will not go away. TUC General Secretary Frances O'Grady is concerned that worker's shouldn't pay the price for so called 'Brexit' whilst most of the TUC leadership seem to acknowledge that many of their members voted that way to give the establishment a good kicking. Labour is equally divided.

What we see is self interest groups all panicking that their share of EU handouts might be lost or that their members might suffer. If it all goes pear shaped in three years, everyone is going to blame someone else and the easiest scapegoat will be pesky foreigners. Pathetic. If May can make this work she'll be one of the greatest PMs ever, on current performance I have little optimism, well, none actually.

Politicians meddled with my education growing up and all she seems to want to do is meddle again, whilst others around her meddle with the health service, the economy and on and on. By the way did anyone think Theresa May meeting Donald Tusk in a short split skirt was appropriate or attractive?

Malcolm Snook

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